Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Do Sardines Come from Sardinia?

Traveling in Europe, we have come to find out, is not near the ease that some people make it out to be. But nevertheless, we found our way by van, plane, bus, train, taxi, and foot, to our beautiful rentals on the Sardinian beach. I could ramble on and on about what I did this week, but realizing that it can be summed up quite easily, I will state my activities, or lack there of, in one run-on sentence. Mainly, my break week consisted of laying in the sand, walking on the sand, digging in the sand, swimming in the ocean, sleeping, eating, a very belated halloween party, a few alcoholic concoctions, family movie nights, eyebrow plucking, hair braiding, experimental cooking, quickly consuming entire containers of condiments that should not be quickly consumed (Nutella and Ketchup), taking pictures, and lots of relaxation.

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